FS Bullets & Brass Blogs

Missing Product Pictures

Missing Product Pictures

View a list of missing product pictures. This script will also adjust the picture size to be: Product Picture Maximum Size (250 X whatever)

After running this list, you must also execute the following 4 steps to generate any missing thumbnail, icon, or minicart pictures. If the product image was recently updated, the programs below will automatically generate these pictures and resize them correctly.

  1. Create product pictures 
    This script will take the detail picture or product picture and resize it to be: Product Maximum Size (250 X 250)
  2. Create thumbnail product pictures 
    This script will take the detail picture or product picture and resize it to be: Thumbnail Maximum Size (341 X 341)
  3. Create icon product pictures
    This script will take the product picture and resize it to be: Icon Maximum Size (29 X 22)
  4. Create mini cart product pictures
    This script will take the product picture and resize it to be: Mini-cart Maximum Size (50 X whatever)
  5. Update all product tables in Category Descriptions
    Update the product tables with the new pictures

Add product description pop ups to the Product images.

The proper size of the other pictures are:
X-Magnifyer Image Maximum Size (2000 X 2000)
Detailed Product Picture Maximum Size (400 X 400)

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